
January 18, 2012

January 5, 2012

Maddie playing on her LeapPad.

January 4, 2012

Waking Tyler Up

Yep, this is how Mommy found them (except Tyler was laying down).  Kara heard Ty talking on the monitor and decided she needed to go upstairs. Maddie was still asleep, but heard Kara, so she decided to join in the fun.  They were reading Tyler books and talking to him.  Of course Ty was all smiles.

January 3, 2012

Kindergarten Homework

This is the monthly homework that Kara gets to do along with practicing her word wall words, writing sentences and reading.  Kindergarten is a lot of work, but fun.

January 2, 2012

Bath Time!

Yep, as of right now, all three kids get a bath at the same time.  They all LOVE bath time.  Mommy also loves it because there is usually no fighting.

January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

January 11, 2012

January 8, 2012

Broncos Win! Kara's 1st NFL football game.

(iPhone Picture)

Wow!  What a great game for Kara to experience for her 1st NFL football game.  The Broncos win the wild card playoff game in overtime against the Pittsburgh Steelers (29-23).  Daddy said that the place was going crazy and Kara was screaming, dancing and cheering the entire game.  Sounds like Kara is going to be hooked on Broncos football!

January 7, 2012

So I couldn't just pick one picture you get three :)

Kara shooting a gun for the 1st time.

(iPhone Picture, don't worry gun is NOT loaded for this picture)

While in Colorado, Daddy and Grandpa Holm took Kara to a shooting range.  Daddy helped Kara shoot a gun for the 1st time.  She had fun shooting at old pop can and making them explode.  Kara loves doing anything her Daddy likes to do.

Maddie playing on the swing set.

 Why this picture?  Just because Maddie is just too cute.  Look at those dimples, what's not to love? Maddie also picked her clothes today.  Good thing we live in Houston where it is not unheard of to wear summer clothes in January.

Tyler swinging for the 1st time.

Ty enjoyed swinging.  He is just so content and easy going.  He really loves it when his sisters push him and talk to him.  He is always giving them the biggest smiles.